The Lazy Girl's Guide: MeMoi Leggings for Easy Outfits
MeMoi Leggings for Easy Outfits
During these uncertain months, many people have existed largely indoors, wearing comfortable bottoms and wondering how they ever dealt with wearing real pants. Groceries have been delivered. Contact with the outside world is limited to the immediate neighborhood. And really, if you’re going to the drugstore, no one is going to judge you for wearing sleepwear. In a world that is fraught with worry, keeping up appearances is one less thing to worry about.
However, with things starting to open back up - school back in session for the kids, many workplaces opening for business - there is more of an expectation for you to, you know, put in an effort. No more getting work done in your corgi print pajama pants. No more socializing in the backyard in sloppy sweats. It’s the real deal now.
Your pajama paradise is crumbling around you. Socializing will be marred by your discomfort. “I have to wear jeans again? Work slacks? PANTS?” You might say in terror.
No, you don’t. Because with MeMoi’s line of jeggings and leggings, you can craft a fabulous outfit that looks the part without feeling it. You’ll wow everyone with your sense of style, and they’ll be none the wiser that you’re just as snuggly as you were when you woke up this morning.
Denim Shaping Jean Leggings
Jeans! They’re impossible. Each brand has its own sizing system, and you could be five different sizes across the spectrum. But with these jean leggings, the sizing is simple. With a variety of colors to choose from and shaping capabilities to sculpt your post-quarantine body, you won’t be struggling to pull these on. Whether you’re hanging out with friends or it's a casual Friday at work, these jean leggings are appropriate for a variety of situations. Giving the impression that you can still rock a pair of regular jeans isn’t cheating, we promise. It’s just clever storytelling.
Shop the Look: Denim Shaping Jean Leggings
Bootcut Chino Pant Leggings
One thing about being back in the office is that it is generally frowned upon to wear pajama bottoms or sweatpants there. While this is a tragedy, we offer a solution to this problem: these bootcut leggings, which are structured just like your standard pair of work slacks. Offered in a variety of professionally appropriate colors, their comfort stretch will make you feel as though you’re in your coziest pair of lounge pants, all while looking like proper business attire. Invest in a few pairs, because soon, this is all you’ll want to wear to the office.
Shop the Look: Bootcut Chino Pant Leggings
Sexy Moto Pleather Accent Shaping Leggings
These leggings are for the girl who coveted Sandy’s greaser chick look at the end of the movie Grease. Whether you’re feeling a little rock’n’roll or just have someone to impress, the accents on these leggings are eye-catching and will leave an impression on your friends who haven’t seen you in a while. Pair with a simple white shirt and pleather jacket (these leggings are 100% cruelty free, for you animal lovers out there!) for a look right off the open road. Everyone will be talking about you and your effortless cool. They’ll be right about both - especially the effortless.
Shop the Look: Sexy Moto Pleather Accent Shaping Leggings
Bambola Skirted Leggings
Sometimes, a pair of leggings just isn’t enough to make your outfit complete, but you’re dead set on that part of the look. Rather than try to wrangle a dress or skirt from your closet, how about the best of both worlds? These leggings have a sleek and sexy miniskirt already attached to the waistband, eliminating part of your hunt for the perfect going-out attire. Pair with a snazzy pair of boots and heels and black top and voila! Instant outfit. This takes the lazy girl’s guide to a whole new level, and we couldn’t be prouder of our innovation. You’re welcome.
Shop the Look: Bambola Skirted Leggings
Denim Bamboo Blend Maternity Leggings
There seems to be this notion that the second you get pregnant, being fashionable is a thing of the past. Not so, we say! With these adorable denim leggings, you can put together a snappy ensemble without busting the buttons on any of your old jeans. Plus, comfort is the name of the game here - with a “waistband” that sits below your bump and a stretchy fabric covering for your growing belly that fits under your shirt, you won’t have to sacrifice your dignity or aesthetic for a comfortable look.. You might even start wearing these around the house!
Shop the Look: Denim Bamboo Blend Maternity Leggings
Evanesce Plaid Shaping Leggings
These cool little leggings do a lot of things at once. They shape your body into that silhouette you had before the quarantine hit (or at least keep your tummy flat from dinner!). They have a funky plaid pattern that’s just subtle enough for a more formal event, but also tips into casual territory for a date night or a night out with friends. If you work in the creative side of things, these could double as a sharp pair of work pants paired with a nice blouse and good shoes.
Shop the Look: Evanesce Plaid Shaping Leggings
Now it's your turn to show us how it's done! Head over to Instagram and tag your best "faking it" looks with #MeMoiLazyGirlsGuide. Be sure to tag us (@memoi) so we can see all of your fabulous outfits. And don't worry - we won't tell.